Who can join Girl Scouts?
Any girl in Kindergarten through 12th grade can be a Girl Scout. For young girls in particular, Girl Scouts is a great opportunity to extend their friendship circle beyond their classroom; so there are more familiar faces in the cafeteria, hallways, outside at recess, and at activities outside at school! It is also a fun way to learn new things, serve their community, and develop leadership skills. Many of our girls continue all the way through high school and earn the Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can earn.
How can I join if my school doesn't have a troop or I attend school in another town?
While many of our troops are comprised of girls attending the same school and same grade there are opportunities for girls from the same neighborhood to join depending on their schedules. There are also citywide troops which welcome girls of all ages.
How can I start a troop?
The first step is to become a registered member of Girl Scouts, by visiting our local council's site at www.gsema.org. If you know other families with girls in the same grade, encourage them to join also. A member of our local council staff will be in touch to help you organize a troop..
Who leads the troops?
Adult volunteers (both women and men) make up the troop leadership team. Each troop needs two unrelated adult volunteer leaders. No prior experience is required. Depending on parent interest and availability the team may be led by one or more troop leaders or be run as a co-op with all adults taking a turn facilitating meetings. Each troop decides what works best for them and this may change from year to year.
There are lots of great ways to Volunteer with Girl Scouts. There are many training opportunities and you will have a chance to meet active people in your community who share your interest in helping girls develop into leaders.
When do troops meet?
This is decided by the individual troops according to the schedules of the girls and the parent volunteers. Most troops meet a couple times a month for 1 to 2 hours. Troops generally start meeting in September/October and take a break during the summer (though they may continue in the summer if they wish.) Some troops may also get together outside of scheduled meetings for special activities or trips. You can join Girl Scouts at any time!
What activities do troops do?
Each troop decides what activities they want to do depending on their goals and interests. Most troops work on leadership Journeys, learn skills through earning Badges, and participate in a variety of activities including community service (working with elders, food pantries, young children, etc.), civic involvement (Memorial Day Parade, Veterans Day and Flag Day ceremonies), outdoor experiences (camping, whitewater rafting, etc.), and of course, participating in the Cookie Program! Visit our Gallery to see us in action!
How much does it cost to participate?
Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) requires annual $25 membership dues and a $15 fee to supplement Council programs and maintain facilities. Individual troops decide on troop dues depending on the activities they do and how much money the troop earns from the Cookie Program and Fall Product Program each year.
Financial assistance is readily available from both GSEMA and Newton Girl Scouts and is completely confidential. The financial aid application process from GSEMA is embedded in their online registration and those eligible will have registration fees waived. For financial assistance for costs associated with troop dues/expenses, please contact us. Cost should never be a reason for a girl not to participate in a Girl Scouting activity!
Parents who participate as volunteers, chaperones, or occasional helpers, as their schedule allows, are required to register as Girl Scout members and go through a CORI check process.
Is Girl Scouts a religious organization?
No. Girl Scouts is a secular organization and the word “God” in the Promise can mean whatever a particular girl and her family believe it to mean. It can also be omitted during recitation or can be replaced with other terms as desired. We welcome members who represent the diversity of the world in which we live!
Where can I buy Girl Scout Cookies?
Girl Scout Cookies are sold in-person door-to-door or at booth sales throughout Newton, typically on the weekends from December through March. You may also purchase cookies from a Newton Girl Scout troop online using the link on our Home page.